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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 New Fun Facts

1. The Japanese also used midget submarines in the attack on Pearl Harbor but it failed
2. Woodrow Wilson is on the 100,000 dollar bill
3. Albert Einstein was bad at every subject but math and science and almost got expelled from school
4. Albert Einstein's professor gave bad reports about him so he could not find a job after college
5. A pocket calculator has more computing power than the first computer which took up a whole room
6. A perpetual motion machine is not allowed by the first law of thermodynamics
7. The quantum unit of gravity is the graviton
8. There are 6 different types of quarks inside of subatomic particles: up quark, down quark, strange quark, charmed quark, top quark, bottom quark
9. sweet taste buds are located on the tip of the tongue
10. James Madison is on the 5,000 dollar bill
11. Salmon P. Chase is on the 10,000 dollar bill
12. William McKinley is on the 500 dollar bill
13. It is more dangerous to text and drive than to drink and drive
14. a google is one followed by 100 zeros
15. The Doolittle Raid was the first U.S retaliation against Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor
16. The word "School" comes from the Greek word "Schole" which means leisure
17. A Blue Whale has a belly button
18. Grover Cleveland is on the 1,000 dollar bill
19. The 2 dollar bill is still in circulation and can be gotten from the bank
20. The Saturn V rocket was the tallest rocket ever
21. The speed of sound is 761 mph
22. There are 2.51 centimeters in 1 inch
23. John Hanson was the first real president of the United States
24. The ratio of weight of a proton to a neutron is 1.001378
25. "Empty space" is not really empty
26. There is such a thing as negative energy
27. Time travel to the future is possible
28. Time travel to the past is impossible
29. 14 year olds are allowed to get married in New York
30. there are around 6 sextillion stars in the universe

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