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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

15 New Facts!

1. If you stop sweating it means you are severely dehydrated
2. In 1815 there was a volcano explosion that blocked out the sun in  what was called "The year without a summer"
3. New York was the original capital of the United States
4. The Americas was discovered by vikings and not Christopher Columbus
5. America is named for Amerigo Vespucci
6. Hydrochloric acid can dissolve a body in 8 hours
7. Everyone in the world has at least 98% alike DNA
8. Every Jew has enough DNA alike with each other to be 4th cousins
9, Every single persons DNA can be traced back to a woman in Africa
10. The Garden of Eden is in Africa
11. Dolphins will rape you if you are alone in the water
12. Ben Franklin had a lot of mistresses
13. The most expensive coin ever sold was the 1932 double eagle 20 dollar gold piece for 7.2 million
14. The Simpsons is the longest running animation show
15. The Ford Thunderbird was Motor Trend's first car of the year

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