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Thursday, March 3, 2011

25 New Random Facts!!!

1. The U.S dropped incendiary bombs on Japan because most of the buildings were made of wood
2. The U.S Air Force was called the U.S Army Air Corps. during WWII
3. China didn't have an air force in WWII so U.S pilots were brought in to help defend the air against the Japanese
4. A blue whales tongue weighs as much as 6 african elephants
5. Texas was the 28th U.S state
6. Texas was an independent country before being taken in by the U.S
7. The tallest man ever was 8 feet 11 inches tall
8. There was once an ancient race of humans that were 7 and 8 feet tall
9. Clicking on ads helps increase the revenue of this page
10. The Germans crashed their planes into U.S bombers
11. The Germans made the first jet plane
12. The biggest battle in The War of 1812 was after the war ended
13. The Germans were building an atomic bomb when they were defeated
14. Nickola Tesla discovered the way of electricity that we use today
15. Thomas Edison had the electric chair made to make his way of getting electricity seem better
16. It takes a supertanker 20 minutes to completely stop
17. A white hole is like a black hole but it does the opposite thing to matter
18. The U.S had the gold standard of backing money but they also had the silver standard
19. People can hack into your computer when you use public wi-fi
20. The state fish of Hawaii is the humuhumunukunukuspua
21. The moon is filled with a lot of valuable gems
22. Oxygen can be extracted from the dust on the moon
23. Neutrons can turn into protons
24. In Shakespearean England people used to not care how they spelled
25. Shakespeare's plays were published after his death by 2 actor friends

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