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Monday, March 7, 2011

25 New Facts!!!

1. All known life is carbon based
2. Earthworms have 8 hearts
3. A cockroach can live 8 days with its head cut off before it starves to death
4. Cats are healthier to eat than dogs
5. Cats have a lot of protein
6. The AK-47 stands for Automatic Kalashnikov assault rifle Model 1947
7. Benjamin Franklin's son was a British governor and was a loyalist that supported Great Britain during the American Revolution
8. The German Autobahn has no speed limit
9. The United States money does not go by the gold standard anymore.
10. Napalm was first created during the Vietnam War by Dow Chemical
11. LRRP stands for Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol that were deployed in the Vietnam War
12. The universe is expanding at a huge rate
13. Soon the Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy which is called galactic cannibalism
14. Temperature is the average kinetic energy of something
15. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe
16. Pluto is considered a dwarf planet
17. Enceladus is a moon of Saturn that has water on it
18. there is around $1.80 worth of gold in every cell phone
19. The medical term for a heart attack is a myocardial infraction
20. The funny bone is actually called the humerus
21. a marijuana joint is 4 times worse than a cigarette
22. Cocaine users can get a hole right through the cartilage in the middle of their nose
23. Facebook is the most visited place each day on the internet
24. Antimatter is matter but with opposite charges
25. A positron is just an electron going back in time

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