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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 New Facts!!!

1. The world's biggest recorded earthquake was a 9.5 on the Moment Magnitude Scale
2. The carotid artery carries blood from the heart to the brain
3. A male lion and female tiger offspring is called a liger
4. A male tiger and female lion offspring is called a tigon
5. Megalodon was the prehistoric ancestor to a modern day shark
6. Raptor dinosaurs had feathers
7. Dinosaurs were the prehistoric ancestors to birds
8. Dinosaurs became extinct because of a giant meteor
9. Nanotyrannus was another name for a baby tyrannasaurus rex
10. The first recorded death sentence was in Egypt when a noble accused of practicing magic was ordered to take his own life
11. The ingredient that gets you high in marijuana is THC

13. Harry Houdini's real name was Ehrich Weiss
14. Harry Houdini took his stage name from famous French magician Harry Houdin
15. Pencils use graphite instead of lead now
16. There is a super massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy 
17. Jupiter's big red spot is the biggest storm in the solar system
18. Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general
19. The white house has the only zip code in the country that ends in two zeros
20. The average life expectancy for a person in Papa New Guinea is 32 years

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

15 New Facts!

1. If you stop sweating it means you are severely dehydrated
2. In 1815 there was a volcano explosion that blocked out the sun in  what was called "The year without a summer"
3. New York was the original capital of the United States
4. The Americas was discovered by vikings and not Christopher Columbus
5. America is named for Amerigo Vespucci
6. Hydrochloric acid can dissolve a body in 8 hours
7. Everyone in the world has at least 98% alike DNA
8. Every Jew has enough DNA alike with each other to be 4th cousins
9, Every single persons DNA can be traced back to a woman in Africa
10. The Garden of Eden is in Africa
11. Dolphins will rape you if you are alone in the water
12. Ben Franklin had a lot of mistresses
13. The most expensive coin ever sold was the 1932 double eagle 20 dollar gold piece for 7.2 million
14. The Simpsons is the longest running animation show
15. The Ford Thunderbird was Motor Trend's first car of the year

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

25 New Facts!!!

1. All known life is carbon based
2. Earthworms have 8 hearts
3. A cockroach can live 8 days with its head cut off before it starves to death
4. Cats are healthier to eat than dogs
5. Cats have a lot of protein
6. The AK-47 stands for Automatic Kalashnikov assault rifle Model 1947
7. Benjamin Franklin's son was a British governor and was a loyalist that supported Great Britain during the American Revolution
8. The German Autobahn has no speed limit
9. The United States money does not go by the gold standard anymore.
10. Napalm was first created during the Vietnam War by Dow Chemical
11. LRRP stands for Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol that were deployed in the Vietnam War
12. The universe is expanding at a huge rate
13. Soon the Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy which is called galactic cannibalism
14. Temperature is the average kinetic energy of something
15. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe
16. Pluto is considered a dwarf planet
17. Enceladus is a moon of Saturn that has water on it
18. there is around $1.80 worth of gold in every cell phone
19. The medical term for a heart attack is a myocardial infraction
20. The funny bone is actually called the humerus
21. a marijuana joint is 4 times worse than a cigarette
22. Cocaine users can get a hole right through the cartilage in the middle of their nose
23. Facebook is the most visited place each day on the internet
24. Antimatter is matter but with opposite charges
25. A positron is just an electron going back in time

Thursday, March 3, 2011

25 New Random Facts!!!

1. The U.S dropped incendiary bombs on Japan because most of the buildings were made of wood
2. The U.S Air Force was called the U.S Army Air Corps. during WWII
3. China didn't have an air force in WWII so U.S pilots were brought in to help defend the air against the Japanese
4. A blue whales tongue weighs as much as 6 african elephants
5. Texas was the 28th U.S state
6. Texas was an independent country before being taken in by the U.S
7. The tallest man ever was 8 feet 11 inches tall
8. There was once an ancient race of humans that were 7 and 8 feet tall
9. Clicking on ads helps increase the revenue of this page
10. The Germans crashed their planes into U.S bombers
11. The Germans made the first jet plane
12. The biggest battle in The War of 1812 was after the war ended
13. The Germans were building an atomic bomb when they were defeated
14. Nickola Tesla discovered the way of electricity that we use today
15. Thomas Edison had the electric chair made to make his way of getting electricity seem better
16. It takes a supertanker 20 minutes to completely stop
17. A white hole is like a black hole but it does the opposite thing to matter
18. The U.S had the gold standard of backing money but they also had the silver standard
19. People can hack into your computer when you use public wi-fi
20. The state fish of Hawaii is the humuhumunukunukuspua
21. The moon is filled with a lot of valuable gems
22. Oxygen can be extracted from the dust on the moon
23. Neutrons can turn into protons
24. In Shakespearean England people used to not care how they spelled
25. Shakespeare's plays were published after his death by 2 actor friends

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 New Fun Facts

1. The Japanese also used midget submarines in the attack on Pearl Harbor but it failed
2. Woodrow Wilson is on the 100,000 dollar bill
3. Albert Einstein was bad at every subject but math and science and almost got expelled from school
4. Albert Einstein's professor gave bad reports about him so he could not find a job after college
5. A pocket calculator has more computing power than the first computer which took up a whole room
6. A perpetual motion machine is not allowed by the first law of thermodynamics
7. The quantum unit of gravity is the graviton
8. There are 6 different types of quarks inside of subatomic particles: up quark, down quark, strange quark, charmed quark, top quark, bottom quark
9. sweet taste buds are located on the tip of the tongue
10. James Madison is on the 5,000 dollar bill
11. Salmon P. Chase is on the 10,000 dollar bill
12. William McKinley is on the 500 dollar bill
13. It is more dangerous to text and drive than to drink and drive
14. a google is one followed by 100 zeros
15. The Doolittle Raid was the first U.S retaliation against Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor
16. The word "School" comes from the Greek word "Schole" which means leisure
17. A Blue Whale has a belly button
18. Grover Cleveland is on the 1,000 dollar bill
19. The 2 dollar bill is still in circulation and can be gotten from the bank
20. The Saturn V rocket was the tallest rocket ever
21. The speed of sound is 761 mph
22. There are 2.51 centimeters in 1 inch
23. John Hanson was the first real president of the United States
24. The ratio of weight of a proton to a neutron is 1.001378
25. "Empty space" is not really empty
26. There is such a thing as negative energy
27. Time travel to the future is possible
28. Time travel to the past is impossible
29. 14 year olds are allowed to get married in New York
30. there are around 6 sextillion stars in the universe